The Spirit of Vincennes

Now in it's 46th Year The Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous is a story of color and pageantry on Memorial Day Weekend.

The Many Faces of Vincennes 2023

Saturday, May 27, 2023
Morning Colors

The Battle

More from Spirit of Vincennes

Oh to be a kid again!
In honor of Memorial Day. Although the narrator noted that Memorial Day remembers the fallen, they also wanted to honor re-enactors that have served.
As each war/conflict that Americans were involved in was called out. Weapons were laid on the ground and the service members went front and center.
The other re--enactors responded to those that have served with a "hats off Huzzah!"
After Morning Colors the SAR (Sons of the American Revolution) had their ceremony.T
Sons of the American Revolution presenting colors.
Sons of the American Revolution recognized Historical Park Superintendent Frank Doughman and the park for it's support.
Doughman was presented with a flag and vase for the National Park.

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