Fort Harrod

The Settlement and Raid  2022.

James Harrod came to Kentucky in 1774 and with a band of almost forty men founded the first permanent settlement in Kentucky on June 16, 1774. To commemorate the founding of the fort re-enactors and visitors come to the replica fort and portray an early Indian attack on the settlers. Day long events, round out the weekend. 

Around the Fort

Photos by Kathy Cummings

Saturday Programs

Native Story Telling with Russell Morris.

Feeding the sheep inside the fort.

Horses on the Frontier.

Cooking in a primitive mud oven.

Under the osage orange tree.

Vendors on hand caning chairs.

Jake Hill on horseback.

Explaining the oven cooking process.

Looking out from "The Ordinary:.

Inside "The Ordinary" where dinner was held on Saturday night.

Inside the fort.

Additional Monuments are on the property.

The Many Faces of Fort Harrod 2022

The Raid on Fort Harrod 2022

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