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4th Annual Jane Austen Festival
at Historic Locust Grove
Louisville, Kentucky

July 9-10, 2011

Photos by Jim and Kathy Cummings


Take a glimpse into the Jane Austen Festival of 2011 at Historic Locust Grove.


The Many Faces (and Fabulous Hats)
of the Jane Austen Festival 2011


Click Here for the
Regency Style Show

In the Style Show narrated by Betsy Bashore visitors got a chance to see the fashions up close and personal. Gowns and hats, jackets and shawls, reticules and accessories were all part of the show. Darts and pleats, fabrics and patterns were carefully explained along with facts about the designs origins. Although it was an extremely hot July day, visitors took pictures asked questions and literally oooh’ed and ahhhhded as each feature was described.


Fashions on Display

A really nice touch at this year’s event were the fashions on display inside the house at Locust Grove. Locust Grove recently underwent it’s own inside makeover. Research showed that the inside of the house was bright and colorful in it’s glory days in the early 19th century. Too often, renovators have relied on remaining remnants of wallpapers and fabrics when restoring houses such as the Croghan house at Locust Grove which was built in the 1790’s. But new research has shown that many extant samples have actually dulled and faded over the years. The research at Locust Grove, led the designers to brighter paints and beautiful wallpapers all in brilliant colors.

Click here to see the fashions on display in the house. Many were artfully arranged as if the maid had just laid out the garments for her mistress to step into. .

Fashions on Display

An overall look at the 2011 Jane Austen Festival

 From the tea being served in the visitors center, to carriages on display in the yard, ladies and gentlemen picnicking on the grounds and visitors stopping in the “Shops of Meryton” there was something for everyone at the festival.


Previous Years Jane Austen Festival

Link to the Louisville Jane Austen Society

Link to Historic Locust Grove

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