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 The Pioneer Times   July - September 2004

The Germantown Bicentennial
1804 - 2004

By Jim Cummings

This weekend was a pleasant step back in time as we visited Germantown, Ohio for their Bicentennial Celebration. The festivities were week long starting July 31 and ending on Sunday August 8, 2004.

My hat is off to the officials and the various committees for a very nice program. They put on a time line living history event that started with Native Americans and went through to WWII - showcasing our heritage.The living history encampments were spaced out along Germantown’s bike path that stretches for almost two miles along Twin Creek. It was a great way to walk the trail and go from one time period to another,

We also saw a presentation by Simon Kenton and Chief Logan held at the Gazebo in Veteran’s Park in the center of town.

Simon Kenton                       Chief Logan

I grew up not 15 to 20 miles from Germantown in Franklin, Ohio. I can remember in the late forties and early fifties my Dad taking us through Germantown to my uncle’s farm in Gratis. We would often stop at a small restaurant in Germantown.

The Germantown of today has retained that small town 1950’s feel. It’s more modern of course, but it has retained it’s small town charm.

The park system is well maintained and the town itself was spotless. Private homes and businesses alike had flags and red, white and blue bunting decorating their porches and doorways. And the police officers that we sought directions from and were directing parking were friendly and courteous.

For more photos of The Germantown Bicentennial click here.

The History Behind Germantown and The Great Miami River Valley


By Jim Cummings

Germantown, Ohio sets approximately 20 miles southwest of Dayton, and about 30 miles northwest of Cincinnati. The town sets in the Great Miami River Valley, one of the most beautiful river valleies in Ohio. This is the very same river and valley traveled by Simon Girty and his brothers James and George when they traveled to Kentucky with their Indian allies to terrorize settlers. They were loyal to the British during the American Revolution and fought along with Alexander McKee. Col. Henry Bird another British officer in charge of the Shawnee and other Ohio tribes frequented this area also. And between the Girty’s McKee and Bird they were almost successful in keeping white settlers out of this region of Ohio.

This is also the same river valley that Simon Kenton, George Rogers Clark and  Anthony Wayne traveled. Even Daniel Boone, when captured by Indians and taken to Detroit traveled this area. When George Rogers Clark advanced with the Kentucky militia against the western Shawnee towns in retaliation for the Indian attacks on Kentucky he and his men walked these trails. 

And great Indian leaders also passed through this valley. They traveled the Twin Creek that borders present day Germantown.The spirits of Tecumseh, Chief Logan, The Prophet, Black Fish, Blue Jacket and others still can be felt here.

These great Native American chiefs saw their land being swallowed up, their hunting grounds being over hunted by the whites almost to extinction. The elk, the buffalo and bear were dwindling at an alarming rate in Ohio. 

The great chiefs did what anyone would do. Even today if you were to see these things taken from your family - you would fight to keep them. The Indians fought for what they thought was their’s but unfortunately lost their battle Although there were atrocities comitted on both sides and things were never really settled we have inheritied much culturally from our Native brothers. 

For more photos of The Germantown Bicentennial click here.


Long Run Massacre Re-Enactment Changes Locations


SHELBY COUNTY, KY - The Painted Stone Settlers, Inc. announced on July 15, 2004 that due to the tremendous response to The Long Run Massacre Re-enactment they will be changing locations.

A larger park in Shelbyville known as The Stratton Bottom - Pioneer Park will be used for the September 11 and 12th event. This larger location is only minutes from Clear Creek Park where the last 5 year’s re-enactments were held.

The Long Run Massacre Re-enactment is the fastest growing pioneer living history drama in Kentucky, And Kentucky was a giant stepping stone in the 18th century expansion of this country.

Looking out across the battlefield

 President Harold Raleigh and Publicity Director Jim Cummings met with Shelbyville -Shelby County Parks director Clay Cottengem this week.

The conclusion was - same great county, same great park system, just a larger more accessible site. The new site is still bordered by Clear Creek as was the original site of the re-enactment and the original site of Squire Boone’s Painted Stone Station.

Camping Area

Sutler Area - Looking back toward entrance

Similar events such as “The Spirit of Vimcennes” in Vincennes, Indiana draw over 800 re-enactors and 25,00 spectators in a single weekend. “The economic impact on Shelbyville and Shelby County could be enormous “ Cummings said.

Another living history event in Indiana “The 1812 Battle of Mississinewa” draws equal numbers and involves the entire community in the weekend event.

With new programs on the horizon the Painted Stone Settlers continue to spread the story of Squire Boone and his Painted Stone Station. The new location will give The Painted Stone Settlers room to grow and enough space to expand The Long Run Massacre drama into one of these large events over the next 5 years and to involve more and more Shelby Countians as the event grows.

The goal of the Painted Stone Settlers is to make The Long Run Massacre the largest living history event in the state even surpassing events at such places as Boonesborough and Blue Licks.

To become a member of The Painted Stone Settlers or to become involved in The Long Run Massacre contact Jim Cummings at 502-228-3746 or online at

Long Run Massacre to Be
 Dedicated to Descendants

This year’s Long Run Massacre on September 11 and 12th will focus on the descendants of the settlers at Painted Stone Station. Many of the families now residing in Shelby County, Kentucky are descendants of the original families that came with Squire Boone and established the station. When in September of 1781 the families were forced by repeated Indian attacks to abandon the station many were killed on the journey along with members of the militia that went out the next day to bury the dead.

But in 1783 Squire Boone returned to Shelby County with six or eight families and rebuilt the station adding a grist and sawmill - the first in Shelby County.

The pioneering spirit of these first families is to be commemorated at this years re-enactment. For a list of early settlers - click here.


Squire Boone

The members of The Painted Stone Settlers are working hard to bring descendants to the forefront of the re-enactment. The descendants committee is headed by members Helen McKinney and Karen Powell both descendants. Civic and church groups are also being encouraged to lend their support and knowledge about early Shelby Countians.

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