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2011 Schoenbrunn Village Colonial Fair

Photos by Beth Wulff and Jim Cummings*

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 The 3rd Annual Schoenbrunn Village Colonial Fair was held October 15 and 16, 2011, in New Philadelphia, Ohio. The event, which helps to promote and raise funds for the operation of this historic site, was open to the public from 10 to 5 on Saturday, and 10 to 4 on Sunday. Craftspeople displayed a wide selection of reproduction colonial and native goods for purchase, and dozens of re-enactors demonstrated 18th century militia drill and musket firing, native skills and clothing, medical and apothecary displays, and several other demonstrations of colonial life in the Ohio Territory.

Schoenbrunn Village is a recreation of the Deleware/Moravian Indian Village established by Missionary David Ziesberger in 1772. Until it was abandoned in 1777 Schoenbrunn steadily grew boasting over 60 dwellings and 300 inhabitants. Today's recreated village contains numerous square and round log cabins, a meetinghouse, and a school, as well as the original cemetery on the village grounds. The 4th Annual Village Fair is scheduled for October 20, 21, 2012.

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Thanks to Beth and Matt Wulff and Jim Cummings for the photos and information on Schoenbrunn Village.

Learn more about the Moravian Missionaries and their villages in the Ohio Country

* It’s All in the Name - or The Other Jim Cummings

by Kathy Cummings

When Matt Wulff sent us these photos he listed the photographers as his wifef Beth and as “the other Jim Cummings.” Here’ a story of coincidences that is almost beyond belief. Well over a year ago I was researching on the internet and came across some re-enactment photos by Jim Cummings. I joked with my husband that we’ve taken so many photos - he was getting credit for photos from a place we hadn’t even been! A few months later we received an email from Jim Cummings. I almost zipped right past it. I thought it was a clever spam email using the addressees name in the senders line. But it wasn’t. It was from the Jim Cummings whose photos are above. He just emailed to let us know a funny story. His brother called him up to say how much he liked the website. Jim Cummings of Ohio said “I don’t have a website.” His brother responded “well I’m sure it’s yours because your wife Kathy’s name is on it too.” It seems both of the photographers named Jim Cummings are married to women named Kathy!

A short time later I was talking to my stepson in Ohio - another Jim Cummings, photographer and mentioned that there was another photographer named Jim Cummings in Ohio. He said yes he had talked to another Jim Cummings, photographer in Ohio. I related the story. “Well I said - maybe the one you know is the same on that emailed us.” “Nope,” he answered.” How can you be sure?” I asked. “Because the one I met has a wife named Lisa”. You guessed it - he remembered the wife’s name because his wife too, is named Lisa. It’s a small world!

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