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Linton, Indiana Trade Show
January 22 and 23, 2005

photos and story by Jim Cummings

James Alexander Thom

Dark Rain Thom

As you can see the artist, craftsman and traders came to this years January show in Linton.

Sutlers have been gearing up the show and making items for the 2005 season. It was a nice and easy show to shop around in. 

There were lots of merchants and all of the products seemed fairly priced and of high quality.

I noticed something a bit different at this show. Of course there were the newbys, walking around with a gleam in their eye. These are the folks just getting into re-enacting. They usually arrive with excitement in their voice, a wife or girlfriend on their arm and lots of cash. 

But for the first time I noticed a lot of folks offering to help them. Experienced re-enactors were pointing out various differences in goods and asking exactly what time period they were going to portray. I also heard a sutler do the same thing. He was asking a gentleman about his personna. Trying to get a feel how best to help him by what area, time period and events he thought he would be attending.

This probably isn’t the first time this has ever happenend but it is the first time I ever noticed it so much. And it was very refreshing to see.

See related story on The Pioneer Times or Click Here

Pewter displayed by Old Dominion Forge.

A Quill bag by Ralph Heath

John Curry doing what he loves to do - talking to folks at Linton.

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